M bin/up.tcl => bin/up.tcl +9 -1
@@ 56,7 56,15 @@ if {$conf(avatar) != {}} {
puts "upload: $av_data"
if {$av_ncode != 200} { return -code error "got $av_ncode uploading avatar!\n$av_data" }
- set avatarRef [list avatar [::json::write string $av_data]]
+ # this sucks.
+ set blob [::json::write object \
+ {$type} {"blob"} \
+ mimeType [::json::write string [dict get $av_data blob mimeType]] \
+ size [dict get $av_data blob size] \
+ ref [::json::write object \
+ {$link} [::json::write string [dict get $av_data blob ref {$link}]]]]
+ set avatarRef [list avatar $blob]
puts $avatarRef
M lib/atpagent.tcl => lib/atpagent.tcl +3 -3
@@ 43,14 43,14 @@ proc atpagent_inner {statename cmd argv} {
set ncode [::http::ncode $http_state]
set data [::json::json2dict [::http::data $http_state]]
- return [list $ncode $data]
+ return [list $ncode $data [::http::data $http_state]]
# POST path
set mime "application/json"
if {[lindex $rest 0] == "-type"} {
- set rest [lasign $rest _ mime]
+ set rest [lassign $rest _ mime]
if {[llength $rest] > 1 && $mime == "application/json"} {
@@ 65,7 65,7 @@ proc atpagent_inner {statename cmd argv} {
set ncode [::http::ncode $http_state]
set data [::json::json2dict [::http::data $http_state]]
- return [list $ncode $data]
+ return [list $ncode $data [::http::data $http_state]]
state {
dict get $state {*}$argv
A plume.png => plume.png +0 -0
M src/httpd.tcl => src/httpd.tcl +14 -1
@@ 4,6 4,19 @@ namespace eval ::httpd {
variable log [logger::init httpd]
variable routes
+ # https://wiki.tcl-lang.org/page/url-encoding
+ proc ::httpd::uri-decode str {
+ # rewrite "+" back to space
+ # protect \ from quoting another '\'
+ set str [string map [list + { } "\\" "\\\\"] $str]
+ # prepare to process all %-escapes
+ regsub -all -- {%([A-Fa-f0-9][A-Fa-f0-9])} $str {\\u00\1} str
+ # process \u unicode mapped chars
+ return [subst -novar -nocommand $str]
+ }
# routes: {path proc}
proc ::httpd::router {name iroutes} {
variable routes
@@ 42,7 55,7 @@ namespace eval ::httpd {
lassign [split $path ?] path params
foreach param [split $params &] {
set value [join [lassign [split $param =] key] =]
- dict lappend query $key $value
+ dict lappend query [uri-decode $key] [uri-decode $value]