1 files changed, 51 insertions(+), 47 deletions(-)
M src/ws.tcl
M src/ws.tcl => src/ws.tcl +51 -47
@@ 220,59 220,63 @@ namespace eval ::ws::c {
[set callback($sock)] $sock close [dict get $frame data]
- if {[catch {
- switch -- [dict get $frame opcode] {
- 0 {
- if {[set mode($sock)] ni {1 2}} {
- ${log}::error "Got a continuation frame with no starting frame on $sock! Closing!"
+ set madeit 0
+ for {set i 1} {$i <= 3 && !$madeit} {incr i} {
+ if {[catch {
+ switch -- [dict get $frame opcode] {
+ 0 {
+ if {[set mode($sock)] ni {1 2}} {
+ ${log}::error "Got a continuation frame with no starting frame on $sock! Closing!"
+ close $sock
+ [set callback($sock)] $sock close [set frag($sock)]
+ }
+ append frags($sock) [dict get $frame data]
+ if {[dict get $frame fin]} {
+ set frags($sock) {}
+ }
+ }
+ 1 {
+ if {[dict get $frame fin]} {
+ set mode($sock) {}
+ set frag($sock) {}
+ [set callback($sock)] $sock text [dict get $frame data]
+ } else {
+ set mode($sock) text
+ set frag($sock) [dict get $frame data]
+ }
+ }
+ 2 {
+ if {[dict get $frame fin]} {
+ set mode($sock) {}
+ set frag($sock) {}
+ [set callback($sock)] $sock binary [dict get $frame data]
+ } else {
+ set mode($sock) binary
+ set frag($sock) [dict get $frame data]
+ }
+ }
+ 8 {
close $sock
- [set callback($sock)] $sock close [set frag($sock)]
+ [set callback($sock)] $sock close [dict get $frame data]
- append frags($sock) [dict get $frame data]
- if {[dict get $frame fin]} {
- set frags($sock) {}
+ 9 {
+ ::ws::send_frame 0 10 [dict get $frame data] [dict get $frame len] 1
- }
- 1 {
- if {[dict get $frame fin]} {
- set mode($sock) {}
- set frag($sock) {}
- [set callback($sock)] $sock text [dict get $frame data]
- } else {
- set mode($sock) text
- set frag($sock) [dict get $frame data]
+ 10 {
+ # TODO: kill connection on missed ping? but jetstream doesn't send any it looks like
- }
- 2 {
- if {[dict get $frame fin]} {
- set mode($sock) {}
- set frag($sock) {}
- [set callback($sock)] $sock binary [dict get $frame data]
- } else {
- set mode($sock) binary
- set frag($sock) [dict get $frame data]
+ default {
+ ${log}::error "Unknown opcode [dict get $frame opcode] on $sock! Closing!"
+ close $sock
+ [set callback($sock)] $sock close [dict get $frame data]
- 8 {
- close $sock
- [set callback($sock)] $sock close [dict get $frame data]
- }
- 9 {
- ::ws::send_frame 0 10 [dict get $frame data] [dict get $frame len] 1
- }
- 10 {
- # TODO: kill connection on missed ping? but jetstream doesn't send any it looks like
- }
- default {
- ${log}::error "Unknown opcode [dict get $frame opcode] on $sock! Closing!"
- close $sock
- [set callback($sock)] $sock close [dict get $frame data]
- }
+ set madeit 1
+ } result options]} {
+ ${log}::error "error in websocket callback for ${sock} (attempt $i): $result"
+ ${log}::error "options: $options"
- } result options]} {
- ${log}::error "error in websocket callback for ${sock}: $result"
- ${log}::error "options: $options"
- }
+ }; # end for