
05ff277b9227d676e3b84162b08213873cd07317 — Aleteoryx 20 days ago f4bd8c3
CAP ACK/NAK, initial negotiation
2 files changed, 86 insertions(+), 19 deletions(-)

M cap.tcl
M main.tcl
M cap.tcl => cap.tcl +85 -18
@@ 2,6 2,10 @@
# - sent (we have sent CAP LS 302, no terminal reply)
# - ack-wait (we've sent off the first REQ, wait for an ACK to update state and send END. will only transition when cap.req-inflight == {})
# - finished (all other CAP negotiation(CAP NEW) is handled asynchronously)
# cap.available: dict of CAPs advertised to us
# cap.req-inflight: set of inflight CAP REQs. aka a dict where the value is ignored
# cap.supporting: dict of cap -> callback pairs

# handling for CAP-related things
namespace eval ::cap {

@@ 21,6 25,7 @@ namespace eval ::cap {
    foreach cap [split [string trim $list] " "] {
      lappend ret $cap
    return $ret
  proc server_ls list {
    regsub -all { +} $list { } list

@@ 32,7 37,7 @@ namespace eval ::cap {
          dict set caps $capname [value_dict $value]
        {^(account-notify|account-tag|away-notify|batch|cap-notify|draft/channel-rename|draft/chathistory|chghost|echo-message|draft/event-playback|extended-join|extended-monitor|invite-notify|labeled-response|draft/message-redaction|message-tags|draft/metadata-notify-2|multi-prefix|draft/no-implicit-names|draft/pre-away|draft/read-marker|server-time|setname|standard-replies|userhost-in-names)$} {
          dict set caps $capname available
          dict set caps $capname true
        {^(draft/languages|sasl)$} {
          dict set caps $capname [split $value ","]

@@ 44,6 49,33 @@ namespace eval ::cap {
    return $caps

  proc implied_caps caps {
    set ret {}
    set retd {}
    foreach cap $caps {
      switch -- $cap {
        draft/account-registration {
          lappend ret standard-replies
        account-tag {
          lappend ret message-tags
        batch {
          lappend ret message-tags
        draft/chathistory {
          lappend ret batch server-time message-tags
    foreach cap $ret {
      dict set retd $cap set
    return $retd

  proc parse_msg cmdargs {
    variable logp
    if {[llength $cmdargs] <= 2} {

@@ 129,6 161,33 @@ namespace eval ::cap {

  proc test-cap {chan capname capval} {
    if [irc::meta exists $chan cap supporting $capname] {
      uplevel #0 [list apply [list {capname capval} [irc::meta get $chan cap supporting $capname]] $capname $capval]
    } else {
      return false

  proc apply-caps chan {
    variable logh
    if [llength [irc::meta get $chan cap req-inflight]] return
    foreach cap [dict keys [irc::meta get $chan cap to-change]] {
      if {[string range $cap 0 0] == "-"} {
        irc::meta unset $chan cap enabled $cap
      } else {
        irc::meta set $chan cap enabled $cap set
    irc::meta set $chan cap implied [implied_caps [dict keys [irc::meta get $chan cap enabled]]]
    irc::meta set $chan cap to-change {}
    if {[irc::meta get $chan cap status] == "ack-wait"} {
      irc::msg send $chan CAP END
      ${logh}::info "initial capability negotiation complete"
      irc::meta set $chan cap status "finished"

  proc handler dispatch {
    variable logh
    ${logh}::debug "handling CAP message"

@@ 152,13 211,10 @@ namespace eval ::cap {
          set req_acc {}
          dict for {cap val} $available {
            # if we don't have a capability enabled, and we support it, request it
            if {![irc::meta exists $chan cap enabled $cap] && [irc::meta exists $chan cap supporting $cap]} {
              # if we don't really support it, continue
              uplevel #0 [list set capvalue $val]
              if ![uplevel #0 [irc::meta get $chan cap supporting $cap]] { continue; }
            if {![irc::meta exists $chan cap enabled $cap] && [test-cap $chan $cap $val]} {
              ${logh}::debug "attempting to negotiate $cap"
              irc::meta set $chan cap req-inflight $cap set

              # this little manouver pushes to the req-inflight stack
              irc::meta set $chan cap req-inflight [concat [irc::meta get $chan cap req-inflight] [list $cap]]
              if {[string length [concat $req_acc [list $cap]]] >= 500} {
                irc::msg send $chan CAP REQ $req_acc
                set $req_acc {}

@@ 171,17 227,28 @@ namespace eval ::cap {

          if {[irc::meta get $chan cap status] == "sent"} {
            irc::meta set $chan cap status "ack-wait"
            if [llength [irc::meta get $chan cap req-inflight]] {
              irc::meta set $chan cap status "ack-wait"
            } else {
              irc::meta set $chan cap status "finished"
              irc::msg send $chan CAP END
              ${logh}::info "initial capability negotiation ended early: no capabilities to negotiate"
      ACK {
        # move [0-9a-z\-]+ from cap.req-inflight to cap.enabled; remove -[0-9a-z\-]+ from both cap.req-inflight and cap.enabled
        puts "TODO!"
        foreach cap [dict get $parsed caps] {
          irc::meta unset $chan cap req-inflight $cap
          irc::meta set $chan cap to-change $cap set
        apply-caps $chan
      NAK {
        # remove from cap.req-inflight
        puts "TODO!"
        foreach cap [dict get $parsed caps] {
          irc::meta unset $chan cap req-inflight $cap
        apply-caps $chan
      NEW {
        # run cap.supporting handler, if applicable

@@ 201,20 268,20 @@ namespace eval ::cap {

  proc support {chan cap {script {expr {true}}}} {
  proc support {chan cap {script {return true}}} {
    variable log

    ${log}::info "supporting CAP $cap"
    # if we're not in early boot, and haven't already requested the capability, request it
    if {[irc::meta exists $chan cap status] && [irc::meta get $chan cap status] != "sent" && [irc::meta exists $chan cap available $cap] && ![irc::meta exists $chan cap supporting $cap]} {
      uplevel #0 [list set capvalue [irc::meta get $chan cap available $cap]]
      if [uplevel #0 $script] {
        # this little manouver pushes to the req-inflight stack
        irc::meta set $chan cap req-inflight [concat [irc::meta get $chan cap req-inflight] [list $cap]]
      irc::meta set $chan cap supporting $cap $script
      if [test-cap $chan $cap [irc::meta get $chan cap available $cap]] {
        irc::meta set $chan cap req-inflight $cap set
        irc::msg send $chan CAP REQ $cap
    } else {
      irc::meta set $chan cap supporting $cap $script
    irc::meta set $chan cap supporting $cap $script

  proc negotiate {chan} {

M main.tcl => main.tcl +1 -1
@@ 8,7 8,7 @@ source irc.tcl
source cap.tcl

puts "connecting to testnet.ergo.chat"
set chan [irc::connect testnet.ergo.chat 6667 0]
set chan [irc::connect testnet.ergo.chat 6697 1]

irc::handler add $chan * {
  ${log}::debug [dict get $dispatch rawmsg]