
b274fdb188e7a7d3095db391fbd1564ff623f148 — Aleteoryx 3 months ago 6b79f03
wizard basics
2 files changed, 116 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)

A index.html
M templates/PD/meta.json
A index.html => index.html +114 -0
@@ 0,0 1,114 @@
<!doctype html>
<meta charset='utf-8' />
<title>The TPL License</title>
<link rel=preload href='/templates/list.txt' />
<!-- TODO: stylesheet -->
  <h1>The <u>T</u>erse <u>P</u>ublic <u>L</u>icense Family</h1>
  <p>A family of minimal licenses for artists and developers, without
     the sheer size of the more thorough licenses. If you forsee
     yourself going to court, maybe pick something more robust. If you
     just want something simple for a small project, this may well be
     for you.</p>
  <p>Feel free to <a href="https://amehut.dev/~aleteoryx/tpl">suggest
  <h2>Generation Wizard</h2>
  <section id=wizard>
    <label for=license_sel>License:</label> <select id=license_sel></select><br/>
    <input type=checkbox id=include_header checked /> <label for=include_header>Include header?</label><br/>
    <div id=license_opts></div>
    <textarea readonly id=license_text cols=74 rows=10></textarea>
<script>(async function() {

async function parse_and_fetch_parts(metadata) {
  let format = [];
  for (const part of metadata.format) {
    if (!part.includes(":")) {
      format.push({file: part});
    let [name, file] = part.split(":", 2);
    if (name[0] == "+") {
      format.push({file, optional: name.slice(1), default: true});
    } else {
      format.push({file, optional: name, default: false})

  format = await Promise.all(
                   format.map(x =>
                    fetch(`/templates/${x.file}`).then(r => r.text())
                      .then(c => ({...x, contents: c}))));

  metadata.format = format;
  return metadata;

const metafiles = await fetch("/templates/list.txt")
                   .then(r => r.text())
                   .then(x =>
                     x.split("\n").filter(x => x != "")
                     .map(x => `/templates/${x.trim()}/meta.json`));

const metadata = await Promise.all(
                   metafiles.map(x => fetch(x).then(r => r.json())));

const templates = Object.fromEntries(
                    (await Promise.all(
                      .map(x => [x.name, x]));

async function template_changed() {
  license_opts.innerText = "";
  for (const part of templates[license_sel.value].format) {
    if (part.optional) {
      const box = document.createElement("input");
      box.type = "checkbox";
      box.id = part.optional.replace(" ", "-");
      box.checked = part.default;
      const label = document.createElement("label");
      label.for = box.id;
      label.innerText = part.optional;
      const br = document.createElement("br");
      license_opts.append(box, " ", label, br);
async function params_changed() {
  template = templates[license_sel.value];
  license_text.value = "";
  if (include_header.checked) {
    license_text.value +=
      `-- TPL ${template.name} v${template.version}\n`;
    license_text.value += "-- <https://amehut.dev/~aleteoryx/tpl>\n";
    license_text.value += '-'.repeat(72);

  for (const part of template.format) {
    if (part.optional && !(document.getElementById(part.optional.replace(" ", "-")).checked)) {
    license_text.value += "\n\n";
    license_text.value += part.contents.trim();

for (const template in templates) {
  const opt = document.createElement("option");
  opt.innerText = template;
license_sel.addEventListener("change", template_changed);
include_header.addEventListener("change", params_changed);



M templates/PD/meta.json => templates/PD/meta.json +2 -1
@@ 1,5 1,6 @@
  "name": "Public Domain",
  "name": "Public Domain Dedication",
  "description": "A no-frills public domain dedication. Use this if you don't care who does what with your work, and just want it freely available.",
  "version": "1.0",
  "format": [