
e1ab8b6a76c84accc883856af1abbd26f21e98b1 — Madeline Cronin 14 days ago f6a0ff6
Implement reads from serial port/stdin.
Implemented as a buffer that gets filled from stdin whenever empty.
1 files changed, 18 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

M src/processor.rs
M src/processor.rs => src/processor.rs +18 -2
@@ 1,3 1,5 @@
use std::io;

pub struct Processor<'a> {
    reg: [u16;32],
    flags: [bool;2], //Flag A, then B

@@ 5,6 7,7 @@ pub struct Processor<'a> {
    pub memory: &'a mut [u16], //Public since memory should be modifiable by the system.
    pub disk: &'a mut [u16],
    pub vram: &'a mut [u16],
    stdin_buf: Vec<u16>,

pub fn new<'a>(memory: &'a mut [u16], disk: &'a mut [u16], vram: &'a mut [u16]) -> Processor<'a> {

@@ 15,6 18,7 @@ pub fn new<'a>(memory: &'a mut [u16], disk: &'a mut [u16], vram: &'a mut [u16]) 
        stdin_buf: Vec::new(),

@@ 286,8 290,20 @@ impl <'a> Processor<'a> {
                        1 => self.reg[operands.0] = self.memory[self.reg[operands.1] as usize], //Main memory
                        2 => self.reg[operands.0] = self.disk[self.reg[operands.1] as usize], //Disk
                        3 => self.reg[operands.0] = self.vram[self.reg[operands.1] as usize], //VRAM
                        4 => todo!(), //Serial port, todo as stdin handling would be preferably
                          //dealt with as part of the main program loop
                        4 => { //Serial port
                            if self.stdin_buf == Vec::new() { //Fill stdin_buf if empty
                                let mut buffer = String::new();
                                io::stdin().read_line(&mut buffer).expect("STDIN read failure");
                                for byte in buffer.as_bytes().iter().rev() { //Reversed so values
                                                                             //can be simply popped
                                                                             //from the vec
                                    self.stdin_buf.push(*byte as u16);
                            self.reg[operands.0] = self.stdin_buf.pop().unwrap_or(0); //If stdin is
                                                                                      //empty, pass
                                                                                      //in 0
                        _ => return true