
c809f44deef9f35f7667e8ed6d9390590a7f6c8f — Madeline Cronin 6 months ago 45e2669
Write instruction descriptions.
In particular, this specifies the operand positions and usages.
1 files changed, 35 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

M mta_v1.0.txt
M mta_v1.0.txt => mta_v1.0.txt +35 -4
@@ 14,7 14,7 @@ The numbers: 16 bit words, 2-word fixed instruction length, 32 16-bit registers,

Features: All instructions can have conditional execution attached.
Hardware and software interrupts are toggleable. Serial port I/O intended for
interfacing with STDIN/STDOUT on simulated versions.
interfacing with STDIN/STDOUT on simulated versions. Load/Store architecture.

Registers: 32 registers, with registers #28-31 (zero indexed) reserved for the
following special purposes, in order: disk index, stack pointer, program

@@ 24,7 24,7 @@ also a 2 bit flags register for storing the condition flags.

Behaviours: Upon power up, the first 512 words of disk are copied to main
memory. The only statefulness not directly controlled by programs is the
interrupt toggle.
interrupt toggle. Numbers are read as big endian.

Versioning: The versioning of this ISA is such that minor versions are
backwards compatible, while major versions have one or more breaking changes

@@ 78,7 78,7 @@ XXXX=
Z: (Z=1) Update the specified condition flag if the result is zero
F: Specifies (F=0) flag A or (F=1) flag B
F: Specifies (f=0) flag A or (f=1) flag B
R: (I=1) Invert the flag write
I: (I=1) Invert the result, acts before the zero check

@@ 89,7 89,7 @@ XXXX=

Condition check:
F: (I=1) Invert the flag write
F: Specifies (f=0) flag A or (f=1) flag B
I: (I=0) Normal write, (I=1) inverted write


@@ 128,3 128,34 @@ XXX=
Immediate value:
Writes the value denoted by x's to the register of index RRRRR

-Instruction descriptions:
11111: Operand 1
22222: Operand 2
33333: Operand 3

Addition, subtraction, multiplications, and integer division all take 3
operands, and operate on the described registers in the order of 3 = 1 (+-x/) 2

All logical operations take 3 operands, and operate on the described registers
in the order 3 = 1 (OP) 2

Condition check:
Takes 2 operands, and performs the described check in the order of 1 (<,=,>) 2

Control flow:
Takes 1 operand, describing the register of the address/value to be used,
which is ignored if using a stack value

Memory access:
Takes 2 operands, the first describes the register to write from/read to, and
the second describing the register containing the target memory address.
When reading/writing to disk, the address is further offset by the disk index
register multiplied by 2^16

Immediate value:
Already fully described above.