<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<protocol name="uri_shell">
<copyright>This file is in the Public Domain, and the author
waives all legal rights to it.</copyright>
<description summary="A better way to use the computer">
Most programs operate on data with a known location. This protocol
provides the base for a windowing system centered around URIs.
Individual windows are not provided by single apps. Instead they
are made up of a scheme handler, which uses a URI to retrieve some
data, and an ad-hoc series of renderers which produces the final
wl_surface to be rendered.
This protocol only defines the interface for scheme handlers and
renderers to connect and facilitate the rendering of windows. The
mechanism by which such clients are started, routed, or otherwise
configured is out-of-scope for this protocol.</description>
<interface name="urish_wm_base" version="1">
<request name="register_scheme">
<description summary="Used by all scheme handlers.">
This is what a program wishing to handle a specific scheme
uses to inform the WM that it will do so. Only one of these may
exist for any scheme, in all clients. Creating a new one
for a given scheme invalidates all others.</description>
<arg name="id" type="new_id" interface="urish_scheme" />
<arg name="scheme" type="string" />
<arg name="flags" type="uint" enum="urish_scheme.flags" />
<request name="register_renderer">
<description summary="Used by all renderers.">
This is what any renderer uses to advertise to the WM. Slugs
must be globally unique, and attempting to reregister one
should error.</description>
<arg name="id" type="new_id" interface="urish_renderer" />
<arg name="slug" type="string" />
<arg name="flags" type="uint" enum="urish_renderer.flags" />
<interface name="urish_scheme" version="1">
<description summary="The service used to start rendering a page">
<event name="read_request">
<arg name="response" type="new_id" interface="urish_response" />
<arg name="url" type="string" />
<arg name="metadata" type="string" />
<event name="write_request">
<arg name="response" type="new_id" interface="urish_response" />
<arg name="url" type="string" />
<arg name="metadata" type="string" />
<arg name="data" type="fd" />
<event name="superceded" type="destructor" />
<enum name="flags" bitfield="true">
<entry name="supercedable" value="1" />
<interface name="urish_renderer" version="1">
<event name="render">
<arg name="response" type="new_id" interface="urish_response" />
<arg name="url" type="string" />
<arg name="was_write" type="uint" />
<arg name="mime_type" type="string" />
<arg name="metadata" type="string" />
<arg name="data" type="fd" />
<event name="superceded" type="destructor" />
<enum name="flags" bitfield="true">
<entry name="supercedable" value="1" />
<interface name="urish_response" version="1">
<request name="surface" type="destructor">
<arg name="page" type="new_id" interface="urish_page" />
<arg name="surface" type="new_id" interface="urish_surface" />
<arg name="raw_surface" type="object" interface="wl_surface" />
<request name="data" type="destructor">
<arg name="page" type="new_id" interface="urish_page" />
<arg name="mime_type" type="string" />
<arg name="metadata" type="string" />
<arg name="data" type="fd" />
<request name="error" type="destructor">
<arg name="page" type="new_id" interface="urish_page" />
<arg name="title" type="string" />
<arg name="message" type="string" />
<event name="cancel" type="destructor" />
<interface name="urish_page" version="1">
<interface name="urish_surface" version="1">