
ref: e47d43e029518f7c9837743c091cb019f8cebd9d nex.nelua/README.md -rw-r--r-- 2.5 KiB
e47d43e0Aleteoryx oops, add args to nex 16 days ago


nightfall express and nightfall postal service servers written in the nelua programming language.

these aren't intended as full servers, they serve entirely from code. you'll need to write up your backend yourself, but it's more fun that way.

this implementation relies on the epoll family of syscalls, so YMMV on non-linux or non-freebsd systems.


install the nelua compiler, clone the repo. nex.nelua and nps.nelua are the 2 base scripts to play with. their implementations are barebones but should serve as a good starting point.

once you're happy with your setup, make them into binaries with

nelua -r -o nex nex.nelua
nelua -r -o nps nps.nelua

and throw them up somewhere


a pretty minimal asynchronous socket library. it should have a familiar-if-limited interface to anyone who has used a higher-level asynchronous API. it is sufficient to implement most text-mode network protocols, so long as they are not reliant on multiple sockets.

it exposes the following methods from its return value:

#socket.listen_tcp(addr: string, handler: function(): void)

listens on the host/port in addr. panics if it can't connect or if addr is malformed. addr is either of the format IPV4:PORT or {IPV6}:PORT. passes the connection to socket.listen_sock.

#socket.listen_sock(fd: cint, handler: function(): void)

fd must be a valid socket, bound to some address and ready to accept incoming connections. as connections are made, handler will be executed in the context of a coroutine. it is expected to call one of the provided yielding functions eventually.

if there is any error reading from or writing to the socket, the handler coroutine is deleted and the connection is dropped.

it is unwise to coroutine.yield manually from the context of a handler function.

#yielding functions

functions provided for handlers to interact with their associated socket

#socket.send(data: string)

writes data over the network

#socket.send_line(data: string)

writes data over the network with newline appended

#socket.recv_line(): string

waits for an incoming line of text. returns it with newline stripped

this function is not CRLF-aware, and you make need to strip those manually.


closes the connection and deletes this coroutine