namespace eval ui {}
namespace eval ui::basic {}
proc ui::basic::setup {mount} {
global version
menu $
$mount configure -menu "$"
menu $
menu $
menu $
$ add command -label "About" -command [subst {
tk_messageBox -title "About tclircc" \
-message "tclircc $version" \
-detail "by Aleteoryx\n\n\nThis software is in the public domain." \
-type ok \
-parent $mount }]
$ add cascade -label "connections" -menu $
$ add cascade -label "networks" -menu $
$ add cascade -label "tclircc" -menu $
proc ui::basic::teardown {mount} {
destroy $
namespace eval ui::form {
variable forms
variable form_n 0
proc ui::form::show {title heading fields finish {cancel {}}} {
variable forms
variable form_n
set tl .form$form_n
incr form_n
set forms(${tl}) [list fields $fields finish $finish cancel $cancel]
set pad_n 0
toplevel $tl
wm title $tl $title
label $tl.heading -text $heading -font TkHeadingFont
pack $tl.heading -side top
frame $tl.pad$pad_n -height 10
pack $tl.pad$pad_n -side top
incr pad_n
foreach {framed text widget name args check} $fields {
if {$framed} {
frame $tl.field_${name}_f
label $tl.field_${name}_f.lbl -text $text
$widget $tl.field_${name}_f.wgt {*}$args ::ui::form::forms(${tl}:$name)
pack $tl.field_${name}_f.lbl -side left
pack $tl.field_${name}_f.wgt -side right
pack $tl.field_${name}_f -side top -anchor w
} else {
label $tl.field_${name}_lbl -text $text
$widget $tl.field_${name}_wgt {*}$args ::ui::form::forms(${tl}:$name)
pack $tl.field_${name}_lbl -side top -anchor w
pack $tl.field_${name}_wgt -side top -anchor w
frame $tl.field_${name}_err_anchor
pack $tl.field_${name}_err_anchor -side top
label $tl.field_${name}_err -fg red -justify left
frame $tl.pad$pad_n -height 10
pack $tl.pad$pad_n -side top
incr pad_n
frame $tl.buttons
button $tl.buttons.ok -text "Ok" -command [concat [list set tl $tl] {;
set waserror 0
set formdata {}
set wraplength [winfo width $tl]
foreach {framed text widget name args check} [dict get [set ::ui::form::forms($tl)] fields] {
set value [set ::ui::form::forms(${tl}:$name)]
dict set formdata $name $value
if {$check == {} || [set err [eval [list {*}[concat $check [list $value]]]]] == {}} {
$tl.field_${name}_err configure -height -1 -text ""
pack forget $tl.field_${name}_err
} else {
set waserror 1
$tl.field_${name}_err configure -height 0 -text $err -wraplength $wraplength
pack $tl.field_${name}_err -side top -anchor w -after $tl.field_${name}_err_anchor
::ui::form::recalculate_dims $tl
if {!$waserror} {
eval [dict get [set ::ui::form::forms($tl)] finish]
unset ::ui::form::forms($tl)
array unset ::ui::form::forms ${tl}:*
destroy $tl
button $tl.buttons.cancel -text "Cancel" -command [concat [list set tl $tl] {;
eval [dict get [set ::ui::form::forms($tl)] cancel]
unset ::ui::form::forms($tl)
array unset ::ui::form::forms ${tl}:*
destroy $tl
bind $tl <Destroy> {
if {[info exists ::ui::form::forms(%W)]} {
eval [dict get [set ::ui::form::forms(%W)] cancel]
unset ::ui::form::forms(%W)
array unset ::ui::form::forms %W:*
pack $tl.buttons.cancel -side left
pack $tl.buttons.ok -side left
pack $tl.buttons -side top -anchor w
recalculate_dims $tl
wm resizable $tl 0 0
proc ::ui::form::recalculate_dims {window} {
set minwidth 0
set minheight 0
foreach widget [pack content $window] {
if ![string match *_err $widget] {
set minwidth [expr {max($minwidth, [winfo width $widget])}]
incr minheight [winfo height $widget]
wm minsize $window $minwidth $minheight
proc ::ui::form::not_empty {name value} {
if ![string length $value] {
return "$name cannot be empty."
proc ::ui::form::min_length {min_length name value} {
if {[string length $value] < $min_length} {
return "$name must be $min_length chars or greater."
proc ::ui::form::max_length {max_length name value} {
if {[string length $value] > $max_length} {
return "$name must be $max_length chars or less."
proc ::ui::form::length_range {min_length max_length name value} {
if {[string length $value] > $max_length} {
return "$name must be $max_length chars or less."
} elseif {[string length $value] < $min_length} {
return "$name must be $min_length chars or greater."
proc ::ui::form::test_regexp {regexp err value} {
if ![regexp $regexp $value] {
return $err
::ui::form::show "Log in" "Enter your credentials" {
1 "Username" entry "username" {-textvariable}
{::ui::form::test_regexp {^[a-zA-Z_0-9]+$} "Username must only contain letters, numbers, and underscores."}
1 "Password" entry "password" {-show * -textvariable}
{::ui::form::not_empty "Password"}
} {
puts "got formdata: $formdata"
} {
puts "cancelled!"