# -*- tcl -*-
# The next line is executed by /bin/sh, but not tcl \
exec tclsh "$0" ${1+"$@"}
# taken from
# https://github.com/jcowgar/misctcl/blob/master/docextract.tcl
package require cmdline
proc main {} {
if {[llength $::argv] == 0} {
puts "Invalid usage, please use -help for help."
exit 0
set options {
{o.arg "./" "set the output directory"}
{ext.arg "man" "set the extension of the extracted document files"}
{doctools.arg no "generate HTML output via doctools package"}
{all "output output even when no valid comments where found"}
set usage "\[options] filename1 \[filename2] \[...]\noptions:"
if {[catch {array set params [::cmdline::getoptions ::argv $options $usage]} msg]} {
puts $msg
exit 0
if {$params(doctools)} {
package require doctools
file mkdir $params(o)
foreach fname $::argv {
set fh [open $fname r]
set comments ""
set inDocComment 0
while {[gets $fh line] >=0} {
set line [string trim $line]
if {$inDocComment && [string index $line 0] != "#"} {
set inDocComment 0
} elseif {[string range $line 0 1]=="#*"} {
set inDocComment 1
} elseif {$inDocComment} {
append comments "[string range $line 2 end]\n"
close $fh
if {$params(all) || [string length $comments] > 0} {
set ofh [open [file join $params(o) [file rootname $fname].$params(ext)] w]
puts $ofh $comments
close $ofh
if {$params(doctools)} {
::doctools::new .dt -format html
set html [.dt format $comments]
set ofh [open [file join $params(o) [file rootname $fname].html] w]
puts $ofh $html
close $ofh