
ref: 25a12c1def1ec5ebcdb6fe0b6c1f2a8d4a6fa731 tpl/FORMAT.md -rw-r--r-- 3.2 KiB
25a12c1dAleteoryx document the format properly 11 days ago

#Directory Structure

The TPL web wizard expects to find a file templates/list.txt at its mountpoint. Each line of list.txt list.txt should correspond to an existing directory templates/<line content>/, containing a file meta.json. This repository is already setup to provide this.

Each entry corresponds to a license, whose data will be loaded from the referenced meta.json file.


This file contains license metadata and the overall template structure. It has the following fields:

  "name": string, // the string to be used in the license selector
  "description": string, // a friendly description, currently unused
  "version": string, // the current revision of the license
  "format": [string] // a set of template references, explained below

Template references instruct the wizard to optionally load a piece of text. At their simplest, they are a path to be appended to the templates directory path, e.g. "/NC/main.txt". If a colon (:) is present in the reference string, the text before the colon will be used as the name of an optional segment, for example "Include Plain English?:/NC/plain.txt". The wizard will create a checkbox toggle to control this segment. If the text before the colon is prefixed with a plus (+), the checkbox will be enabled by default, e.g. "+Include Liability?:/liability.txt".

The wizard will load each referenced file, perform substitutions as detailed below, and then append each enabled segment into the final license. Look at the meta.json files of existing licenses for examples of how to structure the format array.

  "name": "Example License",
  "description": "This is an example license from the documentation",
  "version": "1.0",
  "format": [
    "Include A Thing?:/example/maybe-2nd-section.txt",
    "+You should include this thing.:/example/maybe-3rd-or-2nd.txt",


In any license text file, regions of the form $<name>[:<filters>]$, e.g. $creator:lower$ are substituted with other text. The value of name is interpreted like so:

  • type: Replaced with the "Work Type", as selected by the user
  • creator: Replaced with the "Creator Type", as selected by the user
  • medium: Replaced with the "Medium Type", as selected by the user
  • author_verb: filters is interpreted as a string of the form <single>|<plural>, and one is printed based on whether creator is a single individual, e.g. author, or a group e.g. artists. Filters are not applied if this is selected, as author_verb makes special use of the value of filters.

If the value of name is unknown, it is substituted verbatim, e.g. $foo$ would be replaced with foo.

The value of filters is interpreted like so:

  • caps: if included in filters, converts the result of name to all-uppercase.
  • lower: if included in filters, converts the result of name to all-lowercase.

lower takes precedence over caps. While most strings default to all-lowercase, it is considered good form to still include :lower, for clarity.

This is an example section of a fake license. The $creator:lower$
$author_verb:hopes|hope$ that this is useful in contributing to the