
61ed9da2947db07066d75c54f2e45c2cdeb06df2 — Madeline Cronin 6 months ago c809f44
Renamed the specification document, and minor tweaks.
Changed the versioning to SemVer since it was already close to it, and fixed some capitalisation issues.
1 files changed, 6 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)

R mta_v1.0.txt => mta.txt
R mta_v1.0.txt => mta.txt +6 -6
@@ 1,4 1,4 @@
Maddie's test ISA Version 1.0
Maddie's test ISA Version 1.0.1

Table of contents:

@@ 26,9 26,9 @@ Behaviours: Upon power up, the first 512 words of disk are copied to main
memory. The only statefulness not directly controlled by programs is the
interrupt toggle. Numbers are read as big endian.

Versioning: The versioning of this ISA is such that minor versions are
backwards compatible, while major versions have one or more breaking changes
that may mean old code no longer works.
Versioning: The versioning of this ISA follows semantic versioning, although
given how many breaking changes it is likely to go though, the major version
number may get very high.

Notes for reading: In the description of a bit or collection of bits for an
instruction, anything following a tag such as (A=1) means that any behaviours

@@ 78,7 78,7 @@ XXXX=
Z: (Z=1) Update the specified condition flag if the result is zero
F: Specifies (f=0) flag A or (f=1) flag B
F: Specifies (F=0) flag A or (F=1) flag B
R: (I=1) Invert the flag write
I: (I=1) Invert the result, acts before the zero check

@@ 89,7 89,7 @@ XXXX=

Condition check:
F: Specifies (f=0) flag A or (f=1) flag B
F: Specifies (F=0) flag A or (F=1) flag B
I: (I=0) Normal write, (I=1) inverted write